
Last Friday, I did a post about Shia LaBeouf and whether or not he was disrespecting the Transformers franchise. Shia is in Cannes, and throughout many of the interviews, Shia has been fielding questions about his part in the Transformers and Indiana Jones franchises, and Shia is a little Mickey Rouke-esque truth-teller, it seems. To be fair to Shia, his comments about Transformers 2 weren’t even that disrespectful, and Shia did take responsibility for his part, sort of. But now I’m wondering if Shia just needs to shut it – he was asked about his part in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and Shia said something insinuating that Steven Spielberg “dropped the ball”. OH NO. Well, it was nice meeting you, Shia. You seemed really talented. It’s a shame you’re going to be thrown out of Hollywood.

It’s official: Shia LaBeouf has no filter. While hardly no one can blame the ‘Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps’ actor for recently saying he “wasn’t impressed” with the Michael Bay-helmed ‘Transformers 2,’ his latest comments about another film and its much-more-famous director may actually catch some heat. Interviewed at the Cannes Film Festival, LaBeouf came right out and said he was saddened by 2008’s ‘Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,’ saying he and everyone involved — including director Steven Spielberg — “dropped the ball” on the blockbuster sequel.

“I feel like I dropped the ball on the legacy that people loved and cherished,” LaBeouf told the LA Times, apologetically. “If I was going to do it twice, my career was over.”

Oh, and LaBeouf wasn’t the only principle actor bummed out by the movie.

“We [Harrison Ford and LaBeouf] had major discussions. He wasn’t happy with it either. Look, the movie could have been updated. There was a reason it wasn’t universally accepted.”

While the film may have been a financial success, earning nearly $800 million worldwide, LaBeouf believes Spielberg needs to hear it from a friend that ‘Skull’ was a mess. He urges the director to not let one bad movie get to him.

“I’ll probably get a call [from Spielberg],” LaBeouf rightly predicts. “But he needs to hear this. I love him. I love Steven. I have a relationship with Steven that supersedes our business work. And believe me, I talk to him often enough to know that I’m not out of line. And I would never disrespect the man. I think he’s a genius, and he’s given me my whole life. He’s done so much great work that there’s no need for him to feel vulnerable about one film. But when you drop the ball you drop the ball.”

LaBeouf fully admits he wasn’t very convincing as a leather jacket-wearing action hero, saying he just wasn’t up to the task.

“You get to monkey-swinging and things like that and you can blame it on the writer and you can blame it on Steven [Spielberg]. But the actor’s job is to make it come alive and make it work, and I couldn’t do it. So that’s my fault. Simple.”

LaBeouf begins filming the third ‘Transformers’ movie on Tuesday, but last week he said he “wasn’t really impressed with ‘Transformers 2′” and that despite having “some really wild stunts,” the flick’s “heart was gone.”

On Michael Bay, who directed ‘Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen’ and will also helm the third film: “Mike went so big that it became too big, and I think you lost the anchor of the movie.”

[From PopEater]

Ugh… okay, now that I’ve read his full comments, I still think it’s pretty bad. Was the last Indiana Jones movie good? Not really. But I enjoyed it for what it was – a cheesy action-adventure film in which I could point out which stunt men were doing Harrison Ford’s stunts. Did they need to make a new Indiana Jones? Of course not. But they did, and while it wasn’t great or even good, it was solid enough for what it was. My point? Shia needs to shut it. Megan Fox has rubbed off on him, and he needs to respect his elders. You never speak a word against Steven Spielberg, for God’s sake. Enough.

Meanwhile, Lainey at LaineyGossip says that while Wall Street 2 wasn’t a God-awful film, it wasn’t really good either. But she’s in love with Shia, especially Shia and Carey together. Speaking of, Oliver Stone is taking credit for Carey and Shia’s hookup, and there are twenty million photos of the two of them being sweet together in Cannes. Here are some of them:


63rd Cannes Film Festival - Stairs of Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps - Day 3

Carey & Shia in Cannes on May 15, 2010. Credit: Spread/Fame. Promotional image of Shia and Harrison Ford from the last Indiana Jones film.
